Phoenix Abscess

The Phoenix Abscess

phoenix bird  ( طائر العنقاء)

phoenix is a place in ARIZONA  state in USA where the problem first discussed .
also The term phoenix refer to a type of birds

A phoenix abscess is defined as an acute exacerbation of a chronic periapical lesion; a lesion being the entity in the patient and not the radiographic finding, as is commonly, and incorrectly
is a painful condition in which the tip (apical portion) of a tooth’s root becomes inflamed, which may result in swelling and fever. Almost always, the condition occurs secondary to a long standing (chronic) infection. The term phoenix is an older term, and its use is becoming less commonplace in favor of more descriptive terms like “chronic,” which generally features a lesion that can be seen on an X-ray, and “suppurative” (draining). Draining infections can produce a bad taste and bad breath (halitosis) . 

 tooth decay (caries), which provided a pathway for bacteria
 into the pulp of the tooth and led to an abscess 

The following criteria support a diagnosis of phoenix abscess 
  • The term phoenix abscess implies that acute sudden pain has arisen out of a chronic (long-standing) infection.* Although the patient may not be aware of a long-standing infection, the tooth now hurts when biting, chewing, or tapping on it.
  • Swelling may or may not be present, depending on whether the intense pressure from the infection has been able to vent into or through the tooth’s bony housing.
  • Presence of fever and general malaise (feeling poorly)
  • An X-ray image of the tooth shows a dark area in the bone around the root tip apex
  • Pain may be relieved to an extent by application of cold substances to the affected tooth, and the patient may present at the dentist’s office sipping ice water. Cold temperatures reduce gas pressure created by bacteria, which have infected the hollow interior (pulp) of the tooth.
* An acute apical abscess  has all of the same symptoms, but shows no dark area around the root on X-ray images.

How is a Phoenix Abscess treated?

A phoenix abscess generally requires urgent treatment to relieve the pain and swelling. In some circumstances, antibiotics may be prescribed. Adjusting the bite on the tooth may provide some relief, but will not resolve the problem (which is infection).
Saving the tooth requires definitive treatment. Root canal therapy (endodontics) is commonly prescribed to eliminate the infection, pain and swelling. Depending on where in the mouth the affected tooth is located, the tooth’s restorative history (i.e. decay, cracks, large fillings, crowns, etc.), the tooth may require additional procedures following root canal therapy.


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